The Faculty of Education at Nelson Mandela University is an important role-player in Initial Teacher Education, particularly in meeting urgent educational needs in the Eastern Cape.

The B Ed Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (SP-FET) programme is offered on a full-time basis at Nelson Mandela University’s South campus in Port Elizabeth and aims to address the need for ‘more teachers’ and ‘better teachers’ at Secondary School level.

The B Ed SP and FET thus aims to provide students with relevant and appropriate knowledge and the necessary theoretical and practical skills, experience and expertise demanded of secondary school teachers in the diverse range of schools in South Africa.



B Ed Senior Phase (Grade 7-9) and Further Education and Training (Grade 10-12)

Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

Contact information
Ms Pamela Roach
Programme Administrator: Secondary School Education
Tel: 041 504 4026

Dr Ayanda Simayi
HOD for Senior Secondary Education
Tel: 041 504 4697