You must decide from the outset whether you want to specialise in primary or high school as this will dictate which B Ed programme you study. The following indicates which phase links with which age group and the relevant B Ed programme:

  • B Ed Foundation Phase (B Ed FP) for teaching Grades 0-3;
  • B Ed Intermediate Phase (B Ed IP) for teaching Grades 4-6; and
  • B Ed Further Education & Training (B Ed FET) for teaching Grades 10-12.

Yes, all the teaching qualifications at Nelson Mandela University integrate theory with practice. The Faculty has long-standing partnerships with schools in the Nelson Mandela Metropole and we work closely together to ensure a balanced curriculum.

The minimum entry requirements for the B Ed degree are explained in the relevant pages in the online prospectus for further details.

To find out what your course will cost, go to the qualification page of the qualification you are interested in and select "create a personal FEE ESTIMATION" - here is an example of where to find it: 


It is advisable to get your completed Nelson Mandela University Admissions Application Form in before end August of the year prior to your first year of study. It is important to ensure all required documentation is attached to your application - any omissions will hold up your application process.

The B Ed programmes have limited capacity, so it is advisable to get your application in early.

From the Nelson Mandela University Admissions Office (Telephone: 041 504 1111 or Email

or download the application form here.

Faculty Administration Officers: